– Music therapy can provide opportunities to interact with peers through a shared experience. Group music therapy sessions can also provide opportunities to share personal experiences
with others and provide a means and an outlet for appropriate self-expression.
2. A Means of Improving Motor Skills / Increase Motor Coordination
- Music and movement activities can help develop motor skills and enhance the ability to
learn. Motor coordination can be improved through many musical experiences. Eye hand
coordination can also be improved through the use of instruments that require increased
precision in physical motion.
3. Reinforce and Provide Motivation for Physical Exercise
- The use of music in therapy provides a positive and enjoyable atmosphere for persons with
physical disabilities to experience success. Carefully chosen background music can
enhance regular physical exercise.
4. Foster independence, self-confidence -and self-esteem
- A positive self-image and self-concept can be developed through music therapy
interventions and music therapy activities can be adapted according to the individual's
needs and capabilities. Music therapy can help these individuals to develop positive
attitudes toward their disabilities and provide opportunities for personal growth.
5. A Tool for Improving Communication
- Music therapy experiences can promote language development and improve vocal
production. Music has also been effective as a stimulus to promote spontaneous speech
with physically challenged children and to promote non-verbal communication through bliss
symbols or sign language.
6. An Aid in Teaching pre-academic and academic Skills
- Well-planned music activities can help teach basic skills like following directions and
maintaining eye contact. It can also be used in teaching more difficult concepts.
7. A Leisure Activity
- Music Thepist can help mentally retarded individual incorporate meaningful musical
activities into their leisure time by listening and/performing.
In the development of independent leisure skills through the music therapy process, the
following long-term goals are commonly addressed:
• Improve of self-image and body awareness• Increase ability to use energy purposefully
• Reduce of maladaptive (stereotypic, compulsive, self-abusive, assaultive, disruptive, perseverative, impulsive) behaviors
• Develop creativity and imagination
• Enhance emotional expression and adjustment
• Increase attending behavior
• Improve auditory perception
8. Facilitate Relaxation
- Music experiences that can promote relaxation include listening to carefully chosen music,
instrumental improvisation and music-assisted relaxation exercises.
Reporter: Joann Marie E. Ugay (BEED-3X4)
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